Infection prevention statement

Infection prevention and control (IPC) principles are vital to reduce or stop the spread of Infection in all settings.

We aim to provide a safe, clean environment for our staff and patients.

To ensure we provide a safe environment and limit the spread of infection we aim to meet the following standards:

  • Empower staff to raise issues and report incidents relating to cleanliness and infection control. Record significant events relating to infection control and bring them to staff meetings to share and learn from.
  • Educate staff regarding Infection control standards using online education and face to face sessions.
  • Ensure policies relating to infection control are up to date and available for staff to refer to.
  • Carry out an annual audit to ensure procedures and policies are up to date, complied with and that the environment is clean and maintained to a high standard.
  • Ensure alcohol hand gel and cleaning wipes are available throughout the building.
  • Carry out a weekly environmental and equipment check to ensure we are maintaining the standard set in our policies.
  • Ensure all clinical staff are vaccinated with the hepatitis B vaccine and all staff are up to date with Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio and Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccines and receive the Influenza vaccine annually.
  • Carry out risk assessments to establish how best practices can be established.
  • Ensure adequate PPE is available for Staff.
  • Ensure our cleaning company maintain a high standard of cleaning by reviewing, auditing, and managing any concerns.
  • Storing our medicine and vaccines safely.

If you have any concerns about cleanliness or infection control, please report these to our reception staff.

We will produce an annual statement to update our population regarding our current infection prevention policies, procedures and any concerns raised at our annual audit.

Infection Prevention Annual Statement

IP Lead: Sara Davison. Nurse Manger

Date: 16/7/2024

Staff and contractors working at the Five Valleys Medical Practice will follow the policy’s set by the organisation and the NHS in all aspects of their work to ensure safe and effective care. All staff will receive IPC training at regular intervals.

An annual review will be carried out regarding current practice to ensure Five Valleys Medical Practice meet the required criteria specified in the Health and Social Care Act 2008. Any areas of concern will be highlighted and acted upon to make necessary changes or improvements.

We are conscious of the impact of healthcare on the environment and will take this into account within our work. We have reduced the inappropriate wearing of gloves and other PPE and minimised the use of couch roll and improved our waste disposal whilst maintaining a safe environment for patients and staff.

The audit covers the following:

  • The Environment, equipment, and cleanliness
  • Hand Hygiene
  • Disposal of waste
  • Use of PPE
  • Spillage and contamination of body fluids
  • Prevention and management of sharps injuries, bites and splashes involving body fluids
  • Vaccination transport and storage
  • Handling of sample and specimens
  • Antimicrobial Stewardship
  • Vaccinations
  • Legionella

The Environment

The environment is clean and appropriate, facilitating the prevention and control of infections. We employ a cleaning company called Green Machine to clean the premises and they are contracted to provide regular audits. They follow approved cleaning schedules, and their performance is audited on monthly basis. Concerns that are raised are then discussed with the company.  All clinical surfaces are clean. Curtains in the clinical rooms around couches are inspected and assessed 6 monthly and as used and checked as required.

Our couches have been serviced and maintained by Trimbio.

There were no concerns highlighted with any equipment. Equipment used for clinical procedures is clean and maintained by an annual equipment check. We use single use items for procedures.

Hand Hygiene

Staff receive training in hand hygiene and posters are displayed to ensure effective hand washing procedure is a maintained. Antibacterial hand gel is available at sinks and throughout the public areas. Clinical staff have been reminded about the importance of “bare below the elbow” to minimise infection transfer and  the importance of not wearing nail varnish or false nails. Staff who are due to update their training have been emailed and advised to do so.

Disposal of Waste

Waste is disposed as per national guidelines. Our clinical waste is collected by Tradebe. No concerns were highlighted regarding waste disposal or storage.

Health Technical Memorandum 07-01: Safe and sustainable management of healthcare waste (


PPE is available throughout the clinical areas; policies are in place regarding use. Posters advise on the correct way to put on PPE and remove it.

  • Spillage and contamination of body fluids

We have procedure in place to deal with blood/body fluid spillage. Kits are available in reception and dirty utility rooms.

  • Prevention and management of sharps injuries, bites and splashes involving body fluids

Sharps are disposed of correctly and guidance is in place regarding needle stick injuries. Posters on clinical walls and written policy.

Vaccination transport and storage

Vaccines are stored and transported within the cold chain, our fridges temperatures are monitored daily and data loggers in situ. We had a failure incident which was managed to ensure safety and lead to minimal vaccine waste.

Vaccines are offered to patients in line within guidance from the JCVI and NHS. Our patient facing staff have received the recommended vaccines in line with the British Schedule and working in health care. The link below outlines the current British schedule for immunisations.

Handling of samples

Staff are trained in handling specimens and minimising risk of contamination; samples are not transferred from one container to another.

Antimicrobial Stewardship

Antibiotic overuse or inappropriate use allows bacteria to develop resistance. We are currently carrying out audits to monitor prescribing and improve practice if necessary to promote the appropriate prescribing of antibiotics and ensure clinicians follow the correct pathways. Information regarding overuse of antibiotics is available to patients on our TV screens and will be available on our website.


Monthly tests are carried out in house to check cold water temperatures at sentinel taps are below 20 degrees centigrade and hot water reach a minimum of 50 degrees centigrade.

Our cold water temperature has been identified at sitting over 20 degrees centigrade, this has been reported to the landlord. We are taking daily readings and running the water until it is at the correct temperature (below 20 degrees) The landlord has installed air conditioning in the area where the water tank sits and added a new temperature monitoring probe to read outlet temperature. We have purchased a calibrated thermometer to ensure our readings are accurate. Legionella sampling has been completed, and nothing detected. We are continually monitoring the situation and in discussion with the landlord as to future management of the situation.

We have reviewed and updated our policies and risk assessments.

Overall compliance with Infection prevention within the practice is good.